How to create gathers with elastic on a fabric?

How to Gather Fabric with Elastic

Gathering fabric with elastic is a simple technique that adds texture and volume to your sewing projects. Here is a complete guide to achieve this, whether you use a sewing machine or prefer to gather by hand.

What Materials Are Needed to Gather Fabric with Elastic?

  • Your fabric
  • Elastic
  • Thread
  • A needle
  • Pins

How Long Should My Elastic Be to Gather Fabric?

Measure the length of the elastic based on the width of the fabric you want to gather. Generally, the elastic should be slightly shorter than the length of the fabric to create gathers. The shorter the elastic, the more gathers you will have. Typically, the fabric should be 1.5 to 2 times the size of the elastic, but it can be more!

For a similar volume of gathers as shown in our video tutorial, the fabric should be twice as wide as the elastic.

How to Prepare Your Work Before Sewing Gathers

For both techniques, the preparation is the same.

  1. Mark Your Fabric: To ensure a straight stitch, we recommend marking the line where your elastic will go on the fabric with a temporary marking tool (e.g., chalk, soap, erasable pen, etc.).

  2. Pin the Fabric and Elastic: Pin one end of the elastic to the starting point of your marked line. Ensure the elastic is parallel to the edge of the fabric.

  3. Check Everything Fits: Stretch the elastic along the entire length of the marked area to ensure it is the right size. If you can stretch it from one end to the other, you will be able to sew without any issues.

How to Gather Fabric with Elastic Using a Sewing Machine

  1. Choose a Zigzag Stitch: Set your sewing machine to a zigzag stitch.
  2. Sew the First Stitches: Start sewing the elastic to the fabric at one end. Sew for a few centimeters and make a backstitch. The first stitches may be tricky, but don't worry, it gets easier as you go. Keep the elastic stretched while sewing to ensure it is evenly distributed on the fabric. You can place a mark at the halfway point of your fabric and the halfway point of your relaxed elastic to help with alignment.
  3. Sew Your Elastic: Sew slowly and evenly, making sure the elastic remains stretched throughout the sewing process. Use your hands to keep the elastic taut.

Make sure the zigzag stitch covers the edges of the elastic for a secure hold.

How to Gather Fabric with Elastic Without a Sewing Machine

  1. Secure Your Elastic: Use a strong backstitch to sew the ends of the elastic to the fabric.
  2. Sew: Stretch the elastic over the fabric and make regular, strong stitches to hold the elastic in place. Continue in the same manner as with the sewing machine, stretching the elastic while sewing.

Still Have Questions?

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