
Spring/Summer '16


Here is a range of fabric colour ideas to compliment your designs.


Summer's full of bold colours, with dominant vibrant hues:

Peachy orange: a fresh and vibrant fashion statement

Dynamic lemon yellow: full of optimism and confidence

Lagoon blue: a fresh clear colour inspired by the sea

Navy blue: bolder and brighter for this season

Peony Pink: giving you a healthy, soft glow

Sparkling red: an inspiring and energetic colour

Prairie green: a vibrant natural hue

Royal blue: cold, bright and regal!




Soft and neutral tones are central colours this season:

White: a classic

Washed blue denim with purple inlay: a softening, calming colour to compliment all outfits

Khaki: given a wild child edge, this season grungy khaki colours rule supreme

Skin tone/leather colours

Pastels (pink, blue, spearmint) are dominant colours in many collections


See more:

Spring Summer 2016 general trends

Textile trends

Pattern trends

Style trends