France Lockdown : we're still open


You may have heard from the news that France has lock down again to prevent numerous infections and deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a necessary measure following the increase of infectious cases since September, and the difficulties faced by the health structures when too many people need intensive care.

As we were already on lock down in March, we were prepared and were already anticipating the issue. Our 2 current collaborators Camille and Anne are used to work remotely now, even if we might see each other more often than during the 55 days of the previous lock down.

At the office, I am working with my husband and my son Oscar to prepare deliveries, receive new fabrics and create new sewing patterns. It's like home, except we work even more ;-)

Regarding pick-up, it is still available for French customers, but coming for a shopping session is no more possible. All measures (mask, distance, hygiene) are enforced the same way they were before.

We wish all our customers the best in these trying times and are more available than usual for support regarding deliveries, sewing patterns, so that this lock-down doesn't bring too much pain. Take care, protect yourself and your family.

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  • Stéphanie Godefroy